Integrated Healing uses muscle testing (applied kinesiology) to listen to the unconscious mind that your body is communicating. IH works with the total being (every dimension of the being). The subject, the healing methods and the goal is all decided by the client‘s unconscious mind. Each client is in control of their healing session and as a practitioner, I facilitate and support the healing – which is very empowering and revolutionary.
What is Muscle Testing?
Muscle testing, or applied kinesiology is a simple, non-invasive assessment tool used by many different kinds of health practitioners during examination or evaluation.
Integrated Healing uses two different bio-feedback systems to communicate with the client’s body.
Muscle Testing pinpoints energy blockages in the body. Using the biofeedback gathered from testing, a practitioner can determine the proper treatment. Basically, muscle testing is used to receive information from the body and subconscious mind, like a natural feedback system.
What is unconscious?
While the conscious mind can only process 40 bits of information per second, the unconscious mind can process 20 million bits of information per second. As such, the unconscious is 500 thousand times more efficient.
Consciousness is often referred to as “the tip of the iceberg” of your mind. It is said only 10% of your mind is consciousness. The other 90% of your decision making is done unconsciously.
So, what is unconscious then? It is the part of the mind that is not accessible to the conscious mind, yet it influences judgement, emotion, and behavior. Our feelings, motives and decisions are powerfully influenced by our past experiences, and are stored in the unconscious mind. The unconscious mind is the primary source of human behavior.
What does addressing every dimension of the being mean?
It means it includes the client’s physical body, feelings and emotions, mental process, thoughts, values and beliefs, conscious, unconscious, and non-conscious, imprints and programing, energetic bodies, higher self, and soul.
We achieve this by setting up the holographic circuit that encompasses every aspect of the client’s complete being at the beginning of every balance. Holographic set up gives IH access to more information relating to spiritual and psychological issues than ever before.
Disclaimer: It is not the purpose of Integrated Haling to treat symptoms, but rather to identify the root cause of the issue and to clear the stress created as a result.
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